Thursday, November 1, 2007

Biphenol A


Bisphenol-A (BPA)
is used in the production of epoxy resins and polycarbonate plastics. It was first synthesized in 1891. BPA a plastic is used in packaging of foods and drinks, lining of cans, drinking bottles, baby bottles, and baby plastic toys. It is also the center of controversy among scientist. Until recently it was ban in European toys, bottles and any product that comes in contact with food, liquid, or ones mouth. It was the EFSA that reversed the ban due to insufficient evidence from research showing adverse affects on mice.


EFSA (European Union’s Food Safety Authority)
SCF (Scientific Committee on Food)
Reach (Registration, Evaluation and Authorization of Chemicals)

Scientist "for" biohenol-A

The EFSA panel concluded: “The Panel considered that low-dose effects of BPA in rodents have not been demonstrated in a robust and reproducible way, such that they could be used as pivotal studies for risk assessment. Moreover, the species differences in toxicokinetics, whereby BPA as parent compound is less bioavailable in humans than in rodents..."

"For these reasons, the Panel concluded that the overall NOAEL of 5 mg/kg bw/day, based on the results of a comprehensive three-generation study in the rat, identified in the SCF evaluation of 2002 is still valid..."

There are issues with the pro-BPA testing. There are many tests that show infertility problems. But even if that was over looked there are still other concerns. The previous testing was only done to determine if fertility problems occurred and fatalities, etc. What was not tested was if BPA would alter your DNA or more accurately the chromosomes in your eggs or sperm. Which has a different effect then just infertility. These findings are very new and panels have not yet reviewed the new evidence.

Scientists against Biphenol A

"Tests of human blood have found BPA levels comparable to those used in the tests by the researchers, says Patricia Hunt, a molecular geneticist at Washington State University in Pullman, Wash., and senior author of the report. The scientists exposed female mice to low doses of the chemical, in the parts per billion range. Earlier research has shown that BPA exposure in the adult female can cause defects in her eggs.

What surprised the researchers was that exposing a pregnant mouse affected future generations of female mice. The undeveloped eggs inside the developing fetuses she carried showed chromosomal abnormalities." Hunt says.

so, the big new problem is does biphenol-A collect in the human body and get past on???

"Paula Cohen, a professor of genetics at Cornell University in Ithaca, N.Y., says that if there are human fertility problems, which because of species differences may not be the same as those seen in mice, they may not appear until granddaughters of women exposed to BPA try to have kids in 20 to 30 years."


News Article 1

News Article 2

1 comment:


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peace and light,
