Friday, November 16, 2007

Kids and Caring


Gifts are nice. But how can I build character in my child? How can I create a compassionate, caring kid? Well, through understanding. Understanding takes exposure. Exposure to appreciation, of the world around us. Once appreciation is achieved a child that is inter and intra aware will have an understanding of the world that is unique.

Donations during the holidays are not unusual. Having one's child request that one of their presents be donated in their name to help someone, the environment or an animal in need would melt many a hearts.

One way to approach this is to show your child the web sites below or ones you know of. Then explain that one of their gifts could be the gift of giving. Ask what they think. Ask if there is a particular animal or charity they know and would like to help. They may have many questions. And who knows maybe next time they may be the ones to bring the subject up.

Here are a few ideas.

Adopt an Animal Kit from

Adopt a Manatee from

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