Saturday, October 27, 2007

Toxic Household Materials


Toxic Air Contaminants

COMMON INDOOR SOURCES OF VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS: EMISSION RATES AND TECHNIQUES FOR REDUCING CONSUMER EXPOSURES. Principal Investigator: Alfred T Hodgson. University of California, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory. 1999. 95-302.

"Objectives: To characterize and quantify the emissions rates of VOCs, including TACs (Toxic air contaminants), from three general categories of common indoor building and decorating materials. Also, to measure the effectiveness of various practical measures that consumers can take to reduce their exposures to the VOCs emitted from these products during and after home remodeling activities. Materials studied included carpets, carpet pads, adhesives, vinyl flooring, and interior latex paint."

"Findings: The investigators characterized the VOC emissions from three groups of materials: carpets and vinyl flooring (including associated installation material), and latex paints. Fifteen TACs were identified in the emissions from these products. Evaluation of methods for reducing exposure to related VOCs determined that use of low emitting products is the most effective means for limiting exposure to emissions from all categories of materials, and airing out the carpet and carpet cushion before installation is effective for reducing exposure from carpet compounds. Additionally, using a high rate of mechanical ventilation (exhaust fans) for at least three days, and for as long afterward as is practical, should lower occupant exposure to VOCs from paint and carpet."

"Importance to ARB’s Program: Results from this study will provide a scientific basis for future indoor air quality guidelines that advise Californians on ways to reduce their exposure to indoor pollutants in new or remodeled homes. Emissions data will be used in models to improve estimates of indoor exposures to TACs, as required by the California Health and Safety Code."

For more information go to:

1 comment:

Windyridge said...

The world ks attacking us. It's almost hard to avoid.