Sunday, October 26, 2008

Teaching Methods II

I listed the below teaching methods in two categories structured and less-structured. Each program would offer a different environment, culture and way of communicating for your child. The other big difference is "modeling". Where Waldorf & Montessori has children modeling the parents & teachers, Reggio Emilio's students model Reporters, Progressive Learner model Scientists.

Less-Structured Teaching Methods
Waldorf - Originated in Germany - Emphasizes creative, child directed learning, protect child from overuse or misuse of technology such as television and computers, education of the whole child, stress the importance of the natural environment, absence of plastic toys and in general, keeping in touch with nature and natural materials, provide a rich variety of art, music, dance, and theater at all ages. Often use stories and puppets during lessons for small children. Older children keep a learning journal.

Note: Academic subjects are not introduced to children, most often, until age 7 or first grade.

Reggio Emilio - Originated in Italy - Emphasizes creative child directed learning, stress the importance of the natural environment, absence of plastic, keeping in touch with nature and natural materials. They emphasize observing and learning from the world around them. A lot of art and creative play. The schools keep an art teacher on site even in preschool. The biggest difference is the child is though of as an independent thinker observing, learning and communicating a lot like a news paper reporter.

Note: Subjects like geography and math are indirectly learned (if the child introduces it) and not in the curriculum.

Structured Teaching Methods

Montessori - Originated in Italy - Emphasizes , protect child from overuse or misuse of technology such as television and computers, education of the whole child, stress the importance of the natural environment, absence of plastic, keeping in touch with nature and natural materials, provide a rich variety of art, music, dance, and theater at all ages.

Note: subjects like geography and math are introduced in preschool

Progressive Learning - United States influenced by Germany - Emphasizes learning like little scientist, problem solving, critical thinking, why things happen, hypothesizing. The teaching methods do adapt as new teaching ideas become available. The method is not stagnant just as the students are not sedentary. One project directed by the teacher might be the phases of water and why a snowball melts when warmed.

Note: Subjects like geography and math are introduced in preschool. Communication, public speaking and presentation skills are developed.

Student ModelStudent Model

Parents/Teachers"Reality-Based" *Professionals
Less StructuredWaldorfReggio Emilio
StructuredMontessoriProgressive Learning

*The term "Reality- Based" is new and is tied to an objective reality that can later come back to kick you in the butt to put it bluntly. It refers to careers that are tied to the natural world including those that are anthropological. A scientist is "reality-based" whereas a stock broker is not. A microbiologist or reporter is "reality - based" a painter or marketer is not. I did not make up the term.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Play Kitchen

I have been looking at play kitchens for my babe. There are many nice wooden sets out there. But a friend of mine recently sent me a link that showed how to assemble a "kitchen" out of Ikea parts for under $50. Check it out here.